Sunday, December 7, 2008


yeah, i deleted all my old posts. they were really pointless and stupid.

Whats up with me lately? Cheerleading. I love it so much. My squad is great, I have the best coaches ever and doing it makes me really happy. My first time actually cheering is tomorrow. All three squads will be cheering during halftime of the varisty game. Really exited yet nervous at the same time. It should be fun though (: Come support us at West. It'll be greaaattttt.
I've also been doing some tumbling at ATC (amanda's tumbling center). Its so much fun. I love all the teachers there and i get to do it with my squad and also private lessons. I am working on my back handspring. I can now do it with a spot! yayy (:

Sooo, i've been reading the twilight books. I'm on the last one. And its REALLY good. I think either the first or the third would have to be my favorites. Idk, they are all great. Its about this girl Bella Swan who moves into a new town to live with her dad and ends up falling in love with this vampire, Edward Cullen. She has alot of near death experiences and things get interesting with Jacob Black, her old friend.
Yeah, i'm pretty much in love with the characted Edward. Read the books and you will be too. You can't even help yourself haha.

The movie just came out at the end of November. Yep, seen it three times already. Its amazing. Alot of people don't like it but seriously, I'M OBSESSED. I am always wanting to go to the theatre to see it again. The guy who plays edward cullen is gorgeous too. His name is Rob Pattinson and he is sooooo cute. haha

thats all for now. My fingers hurt here people. (;